Bucket Hierarchy

  1. APR (Annual percentage rate)
  2. Action
  3. Activity
  4. Addiction
  5. Addictive Social Media Apps
  6. Aim Daily To
  7. Alcohol
  8. Amazon
  9. Anki
  10. App
  11. Apps
  12. Asymmetric Risk Reward Situations
  13. Atom
  14. Audio
  15. Avoid Acting While Heated
  16. BPA (Bisphenol A)
  17. Bad Habits
  18. Basic Truth
  19. Belief
  20. Biology
  21. Blender
  22. Blogs
  23. Board Games
  24. Body Chemical
  25. Book
  26. Boredom
  27. Brain
  28. Brain Priming
  29. Breathing
  30. Buff Cow Belgian Blue Breedin
  31. Building Something That People Will Use Vs Buy
  32. Cardio Is Not so Great for Fat Loss
  33. Causes of Death
  34. Change Your Reality
  35. Chatgpt
  36. Clear Goals
  37. Clear Outcome
  38. Cold Shower
  39. Compelled Speech: A Cautionary Tale
  40. Competive Environments
  41. Compound
  42. Confidence
  43. Consumables
  44. Cooking
  45. Country
  46. Craving
  47. Crowd
  48. Cycling
  49. D
  50. Decision
  51. Definitions
  52. Dendron
  53. Depression
  54. Desire to Compete
  55. Dog
  56. Dont Microwave Plastic Containers
  57. Drug
  58. Drug Safety Reagent Testing and Interactions
  59. Electron
  60. Enzyme
  61. Ethnicity
  62. Events
  63. Extreme Actions
  64. Fear Increases Pain Relationship
  65. Food
  66. Freedom
  67. Gender Dysphoria
  68. Genetic Testing Ancestry 23andme
  69. Germany
  70. Get Good Sleep
  71. Gonad
  72. GreaseTamperMonkeyScripts
  73. Gut Microbiome Testing Limitations
  74. Half Life of Substances in Body
  75. Happiness
  76. Health
  77. Heat and Testicles
  78. Hedonistic Treadmill
  79. History
  80. Hypnosis
  81. ICOLT
  82. IIRC If I Remember Correctly
  83. IQ-Intelligence-quotient
  84. Ideas
  85. Illusion
  86. Image
  87. Img
  88. In The Grand Scheme of Thing: Nothing Really Matters
  89. Incentives Matter
  90. Infection
  91. Inflammation
  92. Information
  93. Interesting Products
  94. Intermittent Fasting 16 8
  95. IoC-DI-container
  96. Isotope
  97. Issues with External Praise
  98. JS
  99. Joint Health Risk
  100. Knife Self Defense Is Mostly Useless
  101. La
  102. Language as Lens of Interaction with the World
  103. Law of Action
  104. Law of Attraction
  105. Laws
  106. Lean Just beyond Your Edge
  107. Learn How to Let Go
  108. Learning Tools
  109. Life Force
  110. Lipid
  111. Logic
  112. Look at This World as an Alien Would
  113. Make the Right Thing Automatic
  114. Map of Reality
  115. Massive Action
  116. Math
  117. Meditation
  118. Memory
  119. Menopause
  120. Mental Models
  121. Meritocracy
  122. Metaphors
  123. Mexico
  124. Mindnode
  125. Molecule
  126. Morning Routing
  127. Morning Walk to See Sunlight
  128. Motivation
  129. Motorcycle
  130. Movies
  131. Murphy's law
  132. Music
  133. Mutable State
  134. Myer Briggs
  135. NCAA
  136. NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming
  137. Neutron
  138. Next Sprint Goal
  139. Night Routine
  140. Now
  141. Optimize to Minimize
  142. Osteostrong
  143. Pain and Pleasure
  144. Pearson Correlation Coefficient
  145. Peer Group
  146. Philosophy
  147. Phone
  148. Pineal Gland
  149. Polygamy
  150. Porn
  151. Positive Energy
  152. Power
  153. Principles
  154. Products I Own
  155. Prohormone
  156. Promise/Commitment
  157. Protein Synthesis
  158. Proton
  159. Proximity
  160. Pseudoscience
  161. Psychology
  162. Push Over
  164. Radically Open Minded
  165. Radically Transparent
  166. Reading
  167. Recipe
  168. Reciprocity
  169. Ref
  170. Remove Limiting Beliefs
  171. Rights
  172. Ruthless Positivism
  173. SHBG-sex-hormone-binding-globulin
  174. Science Study
  175. Scientific Method
  176. Sedentary Activities
  177. Seeing Bright Light at Night
  178. Self Instruction
  179. Sex
  180. Should_java_home_have_bin_dir_under_it_always
  181. Sleep
  182. Smoking Cigarettes Strongly Affects Aging Appearance
  183. Software
  184. Spanish
  185. Spiders Black Widow
  186. Start with the Why
  187. Startups
  188. State
  189. Stephen Walton's Translation
  190. Steroid
  191. Steroid Hormone
  192. Stripe
  193. Success
  194. Supplement
  195. Supplements
  196. TM transcendental meditation
  197. Take a Break and Recharge
  198. Tech
  199. Term
  200. Terrorist Attacks
  201. Th
  202. Thorg
  203. Thorg Vs Code Ext
  204. Thoughts Become Destiny
  205. Time
  206. Tools
  207. Total Control
  208. Transgender
  209. Travel
  210. Tribe
  211. Tv Series
  212. Underrated
  213. Unleash The Power Within
  214. Usa
  215. User
  216. Videos
  217. Vietnam
  218. Wait but Why
  219. Washing Fruits and Vegetables with Soap
  220. Waste of Tim
  221. Water
  222. Wealthy
  223. Weasel Words
  224. Website
  225. Weight Loss
  226. What You Already Have
  227. While
  228. Wildlife
  229. Women
  230. Word
  231. Xmind
  232. Youtube Video
  233. Zsolt Blog
  234. censorship
  235. coach
  236. eBooks
  237. habits
  238. identity
  239. learning
  240. master
  241. money
  242. regret
  243. status
  244. truth
  245. wealth
  246. worry