In The Grand Scheme of Thing: Nothing Really Matters

Do not take anything too seriously.

Zoom out in your mind until Earth is a peck of dust. Zoom out from the timeline until the sun has shined its last light.

“A true atheist knows that nothing ultimately matters and lives a relatively carefree life.

A true believer knows that it’s all in God’s hands and lives a relatively carefree life.

Lot of agnostics out there.” Naval Ravikant

“The speed with which all of them vanish—the objects in the world, and the memory of them in time. And the real nature of the things our senses experience, especially those that entice us with pleasure or frighten us with pain or are loudly trumpeted by pride.” Marcus-Aurelius

“Asia and Europe: distant recesses of the universe. The ocean: a drop of water. Mount Athos: a molehill. The present: a split second in eternity. Minuscule, transitory, insignificant.” Marcus-Aurelius


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