Brain Priming

Reading about a topic that you are going to discuss. Looking over diagrams of the topic that you are going to discuss etc...

To activate certain parts of the brain that are linked to the information that you are going to discuss.

Vivid Personal example

Couple weeks ago I thinking of telling a joke to one of my friends. The joke goes along the lines:

Me and my wife are in the kitchen. Wife asks why are you wearing your side arm? Are you afraid of ____. I laughed, she laughed, toaster laughed. I shot the toaster we had a good time.

And this ____ I couldn't remember. I remembered it was out of Transformers movie. The group of bots that wanted to destroy earth etc... I also couldn't remember the name of the main truck bot that wanted to save the earth.

Fast forward a week or two and I see a trailer for a new Transformers movie. They don't mention ____ in the trailer. But they do name the main truck bot: Optimus Prime. And click right away I knew ____ to be Decepticons.

Optimus Prime must be highly related to Decipticons and hence once Optimus Prime name was activated I could recall Decepticons with ease.