Do: Take Action
- Take action towards SFH-Outcome (See, Feel, Hear)
- Take action towards Clear Goals
Don't sit back and believe in Law of Attraction. Rather follow Law of Action.
You attract, that towards which you act.
While Thoughts-are-Central the actions that we take are what matters in the external world. What matters even more are the actions that we take repeatedly aka habits. Habits is what shapes our character.
Don't just act. Act decisively towards Clear Goals. People can sense hesitation, what you lack can often be made up in boldness.
Act decisively. Especially act decisively when it comes to Asymmetric Risk Reward Situations.
Two Way Door Decisions should often bias us for action as well.
However, also remember to not rush, and remember that to become really successful you have to say no a lot.
What you repeatedly think, You become.
“Watch your thoughts; They become your words.
Watch your words; They become your actions.
Watch your actions; They become your habits.
Watch your habits; They become your character.
With great actions come great habits, Remember your actions become your habits. Hence Make the Right Thing Automatic.
Once decision is made: DOubt without Doubt.
Biggest blocker
The biggest blocker to action is _.fear (Private).