1.3 Be radically open minded and radically transparent

None of us are born knowing whats true.

Being Radically Open Minded and Radically Transparent are invaluable for rapid learning and effective change.

Learning is the product of continuous real time feedback loop:

  1. Where we make decisions.
  2. See their outcomes.
  3. And improve our understanding of reality as a result - Principles (by Ray Dalio)

Being radically transparent AND radically open minded enhances the Learning Feedback Loop. Because it makes it so clear to yourself and others what you are doing and WHY. That there can't be any misunderstandings.

The more open minded you are, the less likely you are to deceive yourself. And the more likely that others will give you feedback in the honest way. - Principles (by Ray Dalio)

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard-Feynman


Learning to be radically transparent is like learning how to speak in public. = Gets easier the more you do it. - Ray Dalio


Fear is within

"Fear, like shadows, is born within and grows in darkness. But when the light of awareness shines upon it, it dissolves, revealing that its power was always ours to control." - Gpt4

“We are more often frightened than hurt; And we suffer more in imagination than in reality.” - Seneca


You have the power to evict the fear out of your mind.


How to get out of Fear


Reframe your way of thinking

Reframe your way of thinking, use cognitive distancing to see the same situation from a different view point.

Such as: Reframe thoughts as hypotheses

Reframe thoughts as hypotheses: Instead of treating a thought as a fact, you can treat it as a hypothesis that can be tested or questioned. For example, instead of thinking,

"I'm going to fail,"

you could think

"I have the thought that I might fail."

Now you can:

  • Distance yourself from that thought.
  • Question the thought.
Or Use the third-person perspective

Use the third-person perspective: Try to look at your situation as if you were an outside observer. This can help you view your thoughts and emotions more objectively.

Visualize your thoughts

Visualize your thoughts: Imagine your thoughts as objects floating by on a stream, or as words written on leaves that are drifting away in the wind. This can help you see your thoughts as transient and separate from yourself.

Use visual submodalities

The visualization of thoughts advise is akin to whats called visual submodalities manipulation from NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Hence, consider also consider manipulating your fears using visual submodalities to lessen the degree of your fears affecting you.

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Question yourself in why NOT fashion
  • Why you are not afraid?
  • Why were you afraid? What made you overcome your fear?
  • What steps have you taken mentally to move past it?

Worst case scenario tactic

Worst case scenario tactic

You can also use worst case scenario tactic. Imagine the worst case scenario. While imaging worst case and coping with it all of a sudden you realize the problem that you feared is not as large you have imagined.

In the end zoom out. Memento Mori (Remember That you will Die), what you fear now will pass.

Fear Increases Pain

It’s what we feel when we think we’re in danger. - Book: The Way Out

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“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” - Lao-Tzu

I am not talking about inner secrets. I am talking about people's opinions of each other and how the world works. - Ray Dalio

I have found that it typically takes 18-months (to become Radically Transparent). Which is how long it typically takes to change most good habits. - Principles (by Ray Dalio)

At odds with some other principles.
