
Truth: accurate mapping of reality, which in turn gives predictive power.

Reality is the territory.

Our understanding of reality is the mapping of the territory.

Truth: accurate understanding of reality. - Principles (by Ray Dalio)

Truth: a knowledge of things as they are. - Stephen-Covey

Depth of truth = Precision & Accuracy of the map.

The depth of truth is the level of precession and accuracy with which we can describe reality.

As example:

  1. Objects fall due to gravity
  2. Objects fall at the same rate in absence of air resistance.
  3. Objects will travel a following distance d=(1/2)gt^2 in meters.
    1. where g is about 9.8m/s^2 on earth in vacuum.
    2. t is time of the fall in seconds.

The more precise & accurate the truth that we have acquired the better our Map of Reality is and the better chance we have at predicting the future.
