ICOLT: In control of language and thoughts.
Take control of what is your own.
Take control of your own inner and outer language.
Taking control of your inner language is taking control of communication to yourself.
Take control of your own thoughts.
Language is a Filter and Interpreter. Language is a lens with which we map out the world.
Language Changes our Perception of the World.
What you repeatedly think, You become.
“Watch your thoughts; They become your words.
Watch your words; They become your actions.
Watch your actions; They become your habits.
Watch your habits; They become your character.
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. - Marcus-Aurelius
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. Marcus-Aurelius
A MAN'S MIND may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will bring forth. - James-Allen
We can influence externals, We do not control externals.
We can Influence conditions of locations and Time Allocation. We do not control external reality. What we do have much more control of is our internal language, our internal thoughts.'
Some things we can control, some we can’t. We can control our attitudes, opinions, goals and desires – choices of our own. We can’t control health, wealth, fame or power – things we can’t have by choosing them.
What we can control naturally is not governed, restricted or constrained by others; what we can’t control is naturally governed, restricted and constrained by others. If you mistake what’s constrained for what’s free, and what others control for what you control, you’re in for it: you won’t get your way, you’ll be unhappy, you’ll be disturbed, and you’ll be spewing blame in every direction. But if you take for your own only what really is your own, and what’s not up to you as exactly that, then you’ve got it made: no one will ever make you do what you don’t want to, no one will ever thwart you, you won’t find fault with anyone, you’ll have no enemies and you’ll never come to harm.
With this much to aim for, you’d better believe it won’t be attained without effort. There’ll be things you’ll have to give up for good, and others to put on the shelf. For instance, if you want what we’re talking about, and you still want power and money too, then you probably won’t get them because you’ve compromised your pursuit of them with this philosophy stuff, and you definitely won’t get the things we’re discussing here that are the sole basis for freedom and happiness. Practice a new attitude toward events that seem unpleasant, telling yourself that the way they seem isn’t the way they have to be for you. Analyze each event according to the rules you’re learning, especially this: Is it something you can control or not? If not, be ready to say it’s not your concern.