Essence/Condensed Message of Stoicism
Stoic philosophy teaches that life's true value lies in focusing on what is within your control and accepting what is not, thereby cultivating inner tranquility. It emphasizes the importance of personal virtue, emotional resilience, and understanding the nature of the world through reason, all as means to achieve a content and fulfilled life.
"You have control over your mind and not outside events, Realize this and you will find strength." - Marcus-Aurelius
We don't control what happens to us, but we do control how we react to it. - Ryan-Holiday
Start of Enchiridion by Epictetus
Epictetus starts his The Enchiridion (The Manual) book by
Some things we can control, some we can’t. ... What we can control naturally is not governed, restricted or constrained by others; what we can’t control is naturally governed, restricted and constrained by others. - The Enchiridion (The Manual)
Happiness to not be dependant on externals