Construction Worker Nail Boot

In 1995, the British Medical Journal reported on the case of a construction worker who accidentally jumped down onto a six-inch nail. Yikes! The nail went all the way through his boot and out the other side. He was in agony. His coworkers rushed him to the emergency room, and doctors carefully extracted the nail. When they took off his boot to assess the damage, they were stunned to discover no blood, no puncture wound, not even a scratch. By some miracle, the nail had gone right in between his toes! Why did he feel pain? He saw a nail go through his boot and assumed that he was injured. This changed the way his brain processed signals from his body. His foot was just sending normal signals—the texture of his sock, the tightness of his boot,In 1995, the British Medical Journal reported on the case of a construction worker who accidentally jumped down onto a six-inch nail. Yikes! The nail went all the way through his boot and out the other side. He was in agony. His coworkers rushed him to the emergency room, and doctors carefully extracted the nail. When they took off his boot to assess the damage, they were stunned to discover no blood, no puncture wound, not even a scratch. By some miracle, the nail had gone right in between his toes! Why did he feel pain? He saw a nail go through his boot and assumed that he was injured. This changed the way his brain processed signals from his body. His foot was just sending normal signals—the texture of his sock, the tightness of his boot, - Book: The Way Out Gordon, Alan; Ziv, Alon. The Way Out (pp. 24-25). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
