kotlin (branch)

This branch is for Kotlin and is more flushed out.

Here is a copy of the readme of this branch:


Code Kotlin branch for glassthought.com and others.

Helpful scripts:

  • snapshot.sh - Runs App.kt, if the command is successful, it will commit the changes. As well as record the output and a way to reproduce the command with the change. gt.snapshot --help for more info.
  • snapshot_with_AppKtCode.sh - like snapshot.sh but also copies the code of App.kt to the clipboard.
  • intellij.open-main-app-file.sh - Opens the main App.kt file in IntelliJ IDEA.
  • git.push.sh - Pushes the current branch to the remote repository.

Changing code:

Feel free to change the code in App.kt. And add additional files. Also feel free to clean up files that aren't needed anymore, like something that was specific to particular sandbox.

Generally don't delete contents of gt.sandbox.util package (unless clean up is needed), but also feel free to add new files to it or modify to make it better.

To get glass thought sandbox with this branch you can run command:

