
Bluetooth Characteristic:

  1. Definition: A Characteristic is a data value used within a Service. It provides further details about the nature and structure of the data within that Service. For instance, within the "Heart Rate Service", there might be a "Heart Rate Measurement Characteristic" which provides the actual BPM (beats per minute) value.

  2. Role: Characteristics are used to define the data you're either pushing to a device or pulling from a device. They can be read, written to, or can notify a connected device of its changes.

  3. Properties: Characteristics have properties that define how their value can be accessed (e.g., read, write, notify).

    • Read: The value can be read.
    • Write: The value can be updated.
    • Notify: The peripheral (server) can notify the central (client) of changes to the value without being asked.
  4. Descriptors: These are secondary, optional attributes that describe the characteristics' value or allow the client to configure how the server behaves. For instance, a Descriptor might allow a device to enable or disable notifications for a particular characteristic.

  5. Identification: Like Services, Characteristics also have UUIDs. There are common UUIDs standardized by the Bluetooth SIG, but custom ones can be created for proprietary purposes.
