Use 'set -e' Flag in Scripts

In scripts, almost always a good idea to set set -e flag.

The set -e command in Bash enables the "exit immediately" option, which causes the shell to exit as soon as any command it executes returns a non-zero exit status.

While its great to exit out of the script that is running in another process (./, upon encountering a non zero response.

It's rather annoying to get your bash session closed on your from a sourced function that had source ./ with set -e flag. Hence, avoid setting set -e in functions that you source.

Example code
set -e

func-which-returns-1() {
  echo "I will return 1"
  return 1

set-e-demo_MAIN() {

  echo "This line will not be printed."

Working examples
gt.sandbox.checkout.commit.cleanly ded1416 \
&& cd shell/bash \
&& ./
gt.sandbox.checkout.commit.cleanly ded1416 \
&& cd shell/bash \
&& ./ || echo "OR after running process will be allowed to run."
