Building without Minification

You can build a VS Code extension without minifying it. Minification is often used to reduce file sizes and improve performance, but it is not required. If you want to build your extension without minifying the code, it depends on the build tools and configuration you're using.

Typically, VS Code extensions are written in TypeScript or JavaScript, and are bundled using tools like Webpack or esbuild. These tools offer options to skip minification.

1. Building without Minification using Webpack

If you're using Webpack, you can configure it to skip minification by adjusting your webpack.config.js:

  • Ensure that the optimization.minimize option is set to false.
module.exports = {
  // Your other configuration options...

  optimization: {
    minimize: false,  // Disable minification

If you are using mode: "production", Webpack usually minifies by default. To prevent this, you can explicitly set the mode to development in your webpack.config.js:

module.exports = {
  // Your other configuration options...

  mode: 'development',  // Disable minification and optimization