
In Micronaut, the equivalent of Spring's @Component annotation for declaring a class as a bean that should be managed by the framework is @Singleton. This annotation marks a class to be scanned and managed by Micronaut's Dependency Injection (DI) container. Here's a brief overview:

  • @Singleton: This annotation is typically used to indicate that a single instance of the class should be created and managed by the DI container. It's the most common scope for defining beans in Micronaut.

Here is an example of how you might use it:

import javax.inject.Singleton

class MyService {
    // service methods here

In this example, MyService is a class that will be automatically detected and managed by Micronaut as a singleton bean. You can inject this bean into other components or controllers as needed.

Micronaut also supports other annotations for different scopes, such as @Prototype for a new instance every time, @Context for application context lifecycle, and @Infrastructure for framework infrastructure classes. However, @Singleton is generally the most direct equivalent to Spring's @Component for general-purpose beans.