

To override to_string use def __str__(self):

Code for: __str__(self):
class MyCustomClass:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __str__(self):
        return f"MyCustomClass with value: {self.value}"

# Creating an instance of MyCustomClass
my_object = MyCustomClass(10)

# When we print the object, our custom __str__ method is used
print(my_object)  # Output: MyCustomClass with value: 10


However if you want the value to be to stringed from lists looks like __repr__ is the override, but be more careful with that.

GPT talk about __repr__ and List to string

The output you're seeing is a list of File objects, but it's showing their memory addresses instead of the string representation defined in the __str__ method. This happens because when you print a list in Python, it uses the __repr__ method of the objects in the list, not the __str__ method.

To get the desired output, you can either:

  1. Override the __repr__ method in the File class, similar to how you did with __str__. The __repr__ method is meant to return an "official" string representation of an object, and is used for debugging and other development purposes. It's generally a good practice to have __repr__ return a string that could be used to recreate the object, but in this case, you can make it similar to __str__.

    class File:
        def __init__(self, file_path):
            self.file_path = file_path
        def __repr__(self):
            return f"{self.file_path}"
  2. Or, manually print each File object in the list using a loop or a list comprehension, which will use the __str__ method:

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        files = list_files_recursively_in_dir("/tmp/dir1/", True)
        print([str(file) for file in files])

Either of these approaches will give you the string representation of each File object in the list when printed.