
Melatonin is a hormone secreted in the brain that regulates sleep. It appears to be highly sensitive to Light Therapy and Dark Therapy. Oral ingestion of melatonin may be used as a sleep aid. It is non-addictive. -


My Motivation to consider to start taking
  • Had great sleep with that correlated with small dose of Melatonin without feel groggy which is more alike the dose of 3mg.
  • Life Force Peak-Rest supplement has 0.3mg Melatonin in it.
  • As well as more interestingly Bryan-Johnson takes 0.3mg of Melatonin as well at night. - blueprint ref (However Bryan takes a myriad of things so not too surprising).


Our bodies produce less than 1mg of Melatonin per day. Hence, typical pharmacy dose in US is very much over-dosed as it typically starts with 3mg for smallest dose of over the counter purchases.

My Concern with taking it

Concern: Dopamine decrease?

IIRC If I Remember Correctly: Andrew-Huberman mentioned some concern of Dopamine decrease due to Melatonin supplement.

Checking in with ChatGPT didnt produce a find on this connection.

Bard on the other hand said research is mixed:

Some research suggests that melatonin supplements may have a positive effect on dopamine levels. For example, one study found that melatonin supplementation increased dopamine levels in the striatum, a region of the brain that is involved in movement.

However, other research has found that melatonin can have a negative effect on dopamine levels. For example, one study found that melatonin supplementation decreased dopamine levels in the prefrontal cortex, a region of the brain that is involved in decision-making and planning.

Overall, the research on the effects of melatonin on dopamine levels is mixed. More research is needed to determine the long-term effects of melatonin supplementation on dopamine levels and whether it is safe for people with dopamine-related disorders.

Concern: will other Hormones go down?

Melatonin is produced by Pineal Gland in our body.

Pineal Gland also produces other hormones. Will they be negatively affected?