Like Parallel Stream
Basic example like parallel stream
package com.glassthought.sandbox
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.collections.List
val out = gt.sandbox.util.output.Out.standard()
suspend fun fetchData(id: Int): String {
// Simulate some time-consuming operation like fetching data (e.g., network request)
return "Data $id"
fun main() = runBlocking {
// Launch multiple asynchronous tasks in parallel
List(5) {
async {
// Call fetchData in parallel
}.map { it.await() }.forEach { out.println(it) }
Command to reproduce:
gt.sandbox.checkout.commit 927901bfc3b4789c271d \
&& cd "${GT_SANDBOX_REPO}" \
&& "./gradlew run --quiet"
Recorded output of command:
[elapsed: 1061ms][tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Data 0
[elapsed: 1077ms][tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Data 1
[elapsed: 1077ms][tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Data 2
[elapsed: 1077ms][tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Data 3
[elapsed: 1077ms][tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Data 4
From ParallelRunner
Go to text ā
Abstraction which abstracts spawning and awaiting on tasks and rather adds runInParallel
- If one task fails, awaitAll() will throw, canceling all tasks.
- Preset Dispatcher (can add configuration if desired though).
With ParallelRunner Abstraction
package com.glassthought.sandbox
import gt.sandbox.util.output.Out
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import kotlinx.coroutines.awaitAll
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlin.time.measureTime
val out = Out.standard()
* Provides functionality to run multiple suspend tasks in parallel
* and gather their results.
* WHY:
* Hide coroutine complexity and allow users to easily parallelize long-running tasks
* (e.g., generating images) in a Kotlin Multiplatform-friendly way.
interface ParallelRunner {
* Run given tasks in parallel and return their results.
* @param tasks The list of suspend functions representing the work.
* @return The list of results in the same order as tasks.
suspend fun <T> runInParallel(tasks: List<suspend () -> T>): List<T>
companion object {
fun standard(): ParallelRunner = DefaultParallelRunner.standard()
* Default implementation of [ParallelRunner] that runs tasks in parallel on the Default dispatcher.
class DefaultParallelRunner : ParallelRunner {
override suspend fun <T> runInParallel(tasks: List<suspend () -> T>): List<T> = coroutineScope {
// WHY: Using async for each task to run them concurrently.
val deferred = { task ->
async(Dispatchers.IO) {
// WHY: Using awaitAll to wait for all tasks to complete and return their results.
companion object {
private val instance = DefaultParallelRunner()
fun standard(): DefaultParallelRunner = instance
* Extension function for convenience.
* Allows calling `listOfTasks.runInParallel()` directly.
suspend fun <T> List<suspend () -> T>.runInParallel(
runner: ParallelRunner = ParallelRunner.standard()
): List<T> {
return runner.runInParallel(this)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
suspend fun urlGeneratorFunctionImageineGPTCall(prompt: String): String {"Generating image for prompt: $prompt")
return "[Imagine this is URL for prompt: $prompt]"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
runBlocking {"Starting the process on main")
// Suppose we have multiple prompts we want to generate images for
val prompts =
"A cute realistic baby sea otter",
"A scenic mountain view",
"A futuristic city skyline"
val tasks = { prompt ->
// 'suspend' is added here to create a lambda, to be passed to runInParallel later
// instead of calling the function directly.
suspend {
val duration = measureTime {
val results = tasks.runInParallel()
results.forEach { url ->"Image URL: $url")
}"Total time taken: $duration")
Command to reproduce:
gt.sandbox.checkout.commit 536b5ec9112a3f136186 \
&& cd "${GT_SANDBOX_REPO}" \
&& "./gradlew run --quiet"
Recorded output of command:
[elapsed: 39ms][š„/tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Starting the process on main
[elapsed: 62ms][ā¶/tname:DefaultDispatcher-worker-1/tid:20][coroutine:unnamed] Generating image for prompt: A cute realistic baby sea otter
[elapsed: 63ms][ā·/tname:DefaultDispatcher-worker-3/tid:22][coroutine:unnamed] Generating image for prompt: A scenic mountain view
[elapsed: 63ms][āø/tname:DefaultDispatcher-worker-2/tid:21][coroutine:unnamed] Generating image for prompt: A futuristic city skyline
[elapsed: 2073ms][š„/tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Image URL: [Imagine this is URL for prompt: A cute realistic baby sea otter]
[elapsed: 2074ms][š„/tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Image URL: [Imagine this is URL for prompt: A scenic mountain view]
[elapsed: 2074ms][š„/tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Image URL: [Imagine this is URL for prompt: A futuristic city skyline]
[elapsed: 2086ms][š„/tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Total time taken: 2.022018917s