Move Data from One Repo to Another without Loosing History


If you move code from one git repository to another. Lets say in the case where you want to split one repository into multiple repositories. Is there a way to do this to retain the previous history for the files that are being moved? (even if it gets rewritten to at least have old descriptions, and old dates in place in the new repository)


Yes, it is possible to move code from one Git repository to another while retaining the history for the files being moved. This process involves extracting the relevant directory and its history from the original repository and then merging it into the new repository. Here's a high-level overview of how you can achieve this:

Steps to Retain History When Moving Code Between Git Repositories

  1. Clone the Original Repository: If you haven't already, clone the original repository to your local machine.

    git clone
    cd repo
  2. Filter the Repository (if needed): If you only want to move a specific directory and its history, use the git filter-branch command or git filter-repo (a newer, faster tool).

    • Using git filter-branch:

      git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter PATH_TO_DIRECTORY -- --all
    • Using git filter-repo (preferred for larger repos):

      git filter-repo --subdirectory-filter PATH_TO_DIRECTORY

    Note: Replace PATH_TO_DIRECTORY with the path to the directory you want to move. This step will rewrite the history to make it appear as if the selected directory had been the entire repository all along.

  3. Create a New Repository: If you haven’t already, create a new repository where you want to move the code.

  4. Clone the New Repository: Clone the new repository to your local machine.

    git clone
    cd repo
  5. Add a Remote Reference to the Filtered Repository: In the new repository, add a remote reference to the local copy of the filtered original repository.

    git remote add old-repo /path/to/filtered/original/repo
  6. Fetch the Data from the Old Repository: Fetch the branches and their respective commits from the old repository.

    git fetch old-repo
  7. Merge the History into the New Repository: Now, merge the history from the old repository into the new one. You can choose to merge a specific branch or all branches.

    git merge old-repo/main --allow-unrelated-histories

    Note: Replace main with the branch name you want to merge. The --allow-unrelated-histories option is necessary because Git sees these as two unrelated projects.

  8. Push the Changes: Finally, push the changes to the remote new repository.

    git push origin main
  9. Cleanup: You can remove the remote reference to the old repository if it's no longer needed.

    git remote remove old-repo

Points to Consider

  • The git filter-branch and git filter-repo commands can significantly rewrite history, which can be disruptive in a team environment. Make sure to coordinate with your team.
  • This process works best when done in a planned and coordinated manner, especially if multiple people are involved in the repositories.
  • Always backup your repositories before performing such operations.

This method ensures that the commit history of the files/directories you move is retained in the new repository, preserving the historical context of the changes.