Mutex: How expensive is it to take?

On M2-Pro Mac the overhead of taking Mutex is about 20-30 nanoseconds. That means you can take Mutex:

  • About 40K times per 1-millisecond.
  • About 40M times per 1-second.
GT-Sandbox-Snapshot: Time Taking Mutex VS Not taking Mutex


package com.glassthought.sandbox

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlin.system.measureNanoTime

fun main() = runBlocking {
  val iterations = 100_000_000

  // Operation without mutex
  var counterWithoutMutex = 0
  val timeWithoutMutex = measureNanoTime {
    repeat(iterations) {

  println("Counter without mutex: $counterWithoutMutex")
  println("Time taken without mutex: $timeWithoutMutex ns")

  // Operation with mutex
  val mutex = Mutex()
  var counterWithMutex = 0
  val timeWithMutex = measureNanoTime {
    repeat(iterations) {
      mutex.withLock {

  println("Counter with mutex: $counterWithMutex")
  println("Time taken with mutex: $timeWithMutex ns")

  // Calculate overhead per mutex operation
  val overheadPerOperation = (timeWithMutex - timeWithoutMutex) / iterations
  println("Overhead of Mutex.withLock{} per operation: $overheadPerOperation ns")

  // In relation to millisecond how many times can we take mutex in one millisecond
  // There are 1000 microseconds in one millisecond
  // There are 1,000,000 nanoseconds in one millisecond
  val timesPerMillisecond = 1_000_000 / overheadPerOperation
  println("In relation to millisecond how many times can we take mutex in one millisecond: $timesPerMillisecond")

Command to reproduce:

gt.sandbox.checkout.commit ef2e717a8bc9b3ebb7cd \
&& cd "${GT_SANDBOX_REPO}" \
&& "./gradlew run --quiet"

Recorded output of command:

Counter without mutex: 100000000
Time taken without mutex: 5828000 ns
Counter with mutex: 100000000
Time taken with mutex: 2240589458 ns
Overhead of Mutex.withLock{} per operation: 22 ns
In relation to millisecond how many times can we take mutex in one millisecond: 45454
