

In Gradle Java package.

Lets say I have the following Packages:

  • A
  • B

A depends on B.

B package has JSON file. That B will read and expose the data from JSON file as java objects to package A.

Now this JSON file needs to be accessible at runtime when package A is using package B.

What are common ways to make this work in gradle java.


To make the JSON file from package B accessible at runtime when package A is using it, you need to include the JSON file in the produced JAR for package B and then use Java's classloader mechanism to read the file.

Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Include the JSON file in the JAR:

    Ensure the JSON file is located in the src/main/resources directory of package B. Gradle's Java plugin treats files in this directory as resources and will include them in the resulting JAR when you build the project.

    Your package B directory structure might look something like:

    ├── src/
    │   ├── main/
    │   │   ├── java/
    │   │   └── resources/
    │   │       └── yourFile.json
    │   └── test/
    ├── build.gradle.kts
    └── settings.gradle.kts
  2. Read the JSON file in package B:

    Use Java's ClassLoader to read the resource from the JAR. Here's a helper method in package B to read the JSON file:

    public class BResourceReader {
        public InputStreamReader readJSONResource() {
            ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
            InputStream inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("yourFile.json");
            if (inputStream == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find resource: yourFile.json");
            return new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
  3. Access the JSON data in package A:

    Once you've included package B as a dependency in package A's build.gradle.kts, you can simply instantiate the BResourceReader class and invoke its method to get the JSON data:

    import packageB.BResourceReader;
    public class A {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            BResourceReader reader = new BResourceReader();
            // Now use the reader to get the JSON data
            InputStreamReader jsonReader = reader.readJSONResource();
            // ... process the JSON data using your preferred library
  4. Add package B as a dependency for package A:

    In package A's build.gradle.kts file:

    dependencies {


  • Put the JSON file in src/main/resources of package B.
  • Use Java's ClassLoader to access the JSON file in package B.
  • Add package B as a dependency in package A's build.gradle.kts and access the JSON data by invoking the method from package B.