
threads within the Process will share the memory space.

Different processes will have different memory space.


The term process in the context of operating systems refers to a fundamental concept that encapsulates the execution of a program. It includes the program's code, its current activity, and its execution state. Understanding processes is crucial for grasping how operating systems manage and execute tasks.

Key Characteristics

  • Program vs. Process:

    • Program: A static collection of instructions stored in a file.
    • Process: A dynamic instance of a program in execution, including the program counter, CPU registers, and memory.
  • Process State:

    • New: The process is being created.
    • Running: Instructions are being executed.
    • Waiting: The process is waiting for an event (e.g., I/O completion).
    • Ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor.
    • Terminated: The process has finished execution.
  • Process Control Block (PCB):

    • A data structure used by the operating system to store all the information about a process. It includes the process state, program counter, CPU registers, memory limits, and accounting information.

Process Management

  • Process Creation:

    • Processes are created by the OS through system calls such as fork() in Unix/Linux or CreateProcess() in Windows.
  • Process Scheduling:

    • The OS uses scheduling algorithms (e.g., Round Robin, Priority Scheduling) to allocate CPU time to processes, ensuring efficient CPU utilization and fair distribution of resources.
  • Inter-Process Communication (IPC):

    • Mechanisms that allow processes to communicate and synchronize their actions. Common IPC methods include pipes, message queues, semaphores, and shared memory.
  • Process Termination:

    • Processes terminate when they complete their execution or are terminated by the OS. The termination status is often communicated back to the parent process.

Process Synchronization

  • Race Conditions:

    • Occur when multiple processes attempt to modify shared data concurrently, leading to unpredictable outcomes.
  • Critical Sections:

    • Sections of code that access shared resources and must be executed by only one process at a time.
  • Synchronization Mechanisms:

    • Mutexes, Semaphores, Monitors, and Condition Variables are used to enforce mutual exclusion and ensure orderly access to shared resources.

Practical Considerations

  • Concurrency vs. Parallelism:

    • Concurrency: Multiple processes or threads make progress, but not necessarily simultaneously.
    • Parallelism: Multiple processes or threads execute simultaneously on multiple cores or processors.
  • Deadlock:

    • A condition where a set of processes are blocked forever, waiting for resources held by each other. Strategies like Deadlock Detection, Prevention, and Avoidance are used to handle deadlocks.
