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sdk install java 22-graal

Source: GraalVm downloads page

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How to install SDK Man

Build native image from jar

Build Native image



To achieve significantly faster startup times with GraalVM, especially when compared to a regular JVM, you can use GraalVM's Native Image feature. This tool compiles your Java application ahead-of-time (AOT) into a standalone native executable. These native executables have much quicker startup times and lower runtime memory overhead compared to running the application on a regular JVM or even on GraalVM as a JIT-compiled program.

Here's how you can build a native executable using GraalVM's Native Image:

1. Install Native Image

If you haven't installed the Native Image component for GraalVM, you need to do that first. You can install it using GraalVM's package manager gu:

gu install native-image

2. Prepare Your Application

Native Image has certain limitations compared to a regular JVM, like limited reflection and dynamic class loading. Make sure your application is compatible with these constraints. Some frameworks need specific configuration for GraalVM Native Image.

3. Build the Native Image

Navigate to the directory containing your JAR file and run the Native Image command to create a native executable:

native-image -jar your-app.jar

This command will compile your JAR file into a native executable. Replace your-app.jar with the path to your actual JAR file.

4. Run the Native Executable

Once the build process is complete, you'll have an executable file (with no .jar extension) in the same directory. You can run this file directly:


Considerations and Tips:

  • Reflection and Dynamic Features: If your application uses reflection or other dynamic JVM features, you might need to provide additional configuration to Native Image, as these features are limited in native executables.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test your native executable. AOT compilation can change the behavior of certain applications, especially if they rely on JVM-specific features.
  • Build Time: The build process for a native image can take significantly longer than compiling a regular JAR file.
  • Library Support: Some libraries may not be compatible with GraalVM's native image. Check the compatibility of the libraries your application uses.
  • Memory and CPU Usage: While native images start faster and generally use less memory, their peak performance can be lower than that of a JVM, especially for long-running applications.

Using GraalVM Native Image can significantly improve startup time and reduce memory footprint, making it particularly beneficial for applications where these factors are crucial, such as microservices or serverless functions.

  1. Build Native Image
  2. GraalVM Installation