Macros Available for Input
- SelectionStartColumn - Selected text start column number
- SelectionStartLine - Selected text start line number
- Sourcepath - Project source path
- SourcepathEntry - Entry in the source path the element belongs to
- TempDir - The directory for temporary files
- UnixSeparators - Takes a parameter and converts separators to ‘/’. Example: $UnixSeparators(\foo\bar) → /foo/bar/
- FileRelativeDir - File directory relative to the project file
- FileRelativePath - File path relative to the project file
- IsMake - Boolean value according to the performed compilation: true for make, false for force recompile
- JavaDocPath - JavaDoc output directory
- JDKPath - JDK path
- LineNumber - Line number
- ModuleFileDir - The directory of the module file
- ModuleFilePath - The path to the module file
- ModuleName - The name of the module file without extension
- ModuleSdkPath - Module SDK path
- ModuleSourcePath - Module source path
- OSName - The name of the operating system in lowercase
- OSUser - The name of the operating system user
- OutputPath - Output path
- Password - Displays a password input dialog
- ProjectFileDir - The directory of the project file
- ProjectName - The name of the project file without extension
- Projectpath - Project source path
- Prompt - Displays a string input dialog
- PyInterpreterDirectory - The directory containing the Python interpreter selected for the project
- RemoteProjectFileDir - Full path to the project directory on a remote server
- SelectedText - Text selected in the editor
- SelectionEndColumn - Selected text end column number
- SelectionEndLine - Selected text end line number
- AffectedModuleNames - The names of modules in the scope, comma-separated
- Classpath - Project’s classpath
- ClasspathEntry - Entry in the classpath the element belongs to
- ClipboardContent - The clipboard content
- ColumnNumber - Column number
- ContentRoot - Content root path the file belongs to
- FileClass - Class name
- FileDir - File directory
- FileDirName - File directory name
- FileDirPathFromParent - Path to from the parent directory with the name passed as a parameter
- FileDirRelativeToProjectRoot - File directory relative to the module content root the file belongs to
- FileDirRelativeToSourcepath - File directory relative to the source path root the file belongs to
- FileEncoding - File encoding
- FileExt - File extension
- FileFQPackage - File fully qualified package
- FileName - File name
- FileNameWithoutAllExtensions - File name without all extensions
- FileNameWithoutExtension - File name without extension
- FilePackage - File package
- FileParentDir - File parent directory. Takes an optional parameter (name) to find the parent directory
- FilePath - File path
- FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot - File path relative to the module content root the file belongs to
- FilePathRelativeToSourcepath - File path relative to the source path root the file belongs to
- FilePrompt - Shows a file chooser dialog