
LSM stands for Log-Structured Merge-tree. It's a data structure that's particularly effective for write-intensive applications. Here's how it works:

Basic Structure

LSM stores data in two main components: a memory-resident data structure (often called a "memtable") and a disk-based data structure. Data is first written to the memtable, which is usually structured as a balanced tree, like a Red-Black Tree or an AVL Tree, allowing for efficient in-memory operations.

Write Operations

When the memtable reaches a certain size, its contents are flushed to disk as a new segment in a process known as a "merge". These disk segments are immutable once written. This setup minimizes the number of disk writes and seeks, making write operations faster than traditional databases that write directly to disk.

Read Operations

Reads must search both the memtable and the disk segments. To optimize this, disk segments are periodically merged and compacted in the background. This compaction reduces the number of segments that must be searched and helps maintain read performance over time.

Deletes and Updates

LSM handles deletes and updates by writing a special record (a "tombstone" for deletions). During compaction, these records are used to remove or overwrite outdated data, ensuring the data structure does not store unnecessary or obsolete information.

Advantages and Use Cases

The primary advantage of LSM is its high write throughput, making it suitable for scenarios like log data processing, time-series databases, and any system where write performance is critical. It also offers efficient storage space utilization through its compaction processes.

Systems like Apache Cassandra, RocksDB, and LevelDB use variations of the LSM tree for their data handling because of these performance benefits.

