compose-ui (branch)

To checkout this branch

cd.glassthought.sandbox && git checkout compose-ui

Scripts to use on this branch:

  • ./ - Snapshots the change assuming you have the already ran the application in Android Studio and happy with current state. gt.snapshot --help for more info.
    • Note you can provide an optional custom message to use as the first line in commit with ./ "Custom message"
  • ./ - Pushes the current branch to the remote repository.

Creation notes

Repo Creation Notes

Overview of setup

Setup environment

Set up an environment

Make sure latest versions of tooling are installed.

For example checking plugin versions were not enough, I had older Android Studio installed that did not work with newly generated project.

Verify using kdoctor (on Mac)

  install_if_missing kdoctor


Note if you are aiming for android only dev, CocoaPods should not be needed.

[!] CocoaPods

Create project using webwizard

Create a project using the wizard

How to run in Android

Run your application on Android
