ToTs Step2: Evaluation Phase


  • Assess feasibility and potential success of each option.
  • Evaluate pros and cons.
  • Confidence levels and probabilities.

The second phase is where the AI model objectively assesses each option’s potential success by evaluating their pros and cons, initial effort, implementation difficulty, potential challenges, and expected outcomes. The AI assigns a probability of success and a confidence level for each option based on these factors.

All About AI Example

Prompt: For each of the three proposed solutions, evaluate their potential. Consider their pros and cons, initial effort needed, implementation difficulty, potential challenges, and the expected outcomes. Assign a probability of success and a confidence level to each option based on these factors - ref

A more generalized prompt


For each of the proposed solutions, evaluate their potential.

Consider their pros and cons. Think of dimension: [{INCLUDE_DIMENSIONS}, potential-challenges], but do limit to only these dimensions.

Assign a probability of success and a confidence level to each option based on these factors.
