Loop/Iterate over Lines within a Variable

while IFS= read -r line; do
  echo "Processing: $line"
done <<< "$my_variable"


Is this the most correct way of iterating over lines within variable within shell?

GPT: Answer Yes


Yes, the method you're using is a widely accepted and correct way to iterate over lines in a shell script when dealing with a variable that contains multiple lines. This approach is particularly favored because it handles lines safely, preserving leading and trailing spaces and not interpreting backslashes as escape characters.

To break it down:

  • IFS= ensures that the Internal Field Separator does not affect the reading of lines, particularly important for preserving leading and trailing whitespace.

  • read -r line reads each line into the variable line. The -r option prevents backslashes from being treated as escape characters, which is crucial for correctly reading

lines that might contain backslashes.

  • done <<< "$my_variable" uses a here-string to redirect the content of $my_variable into the while loop. This is a clean and efficient way to feed a string into a loop.

This approach is generally robust and suitable for many use cases. However, keep in mind the following points:

  1. Handling Empty Lines: This method will skip empty lines. If you need to process empty lines as well, a different approach might be required.

  2. Large Strings: If $my_variable contains a very large amount of data, there might be performance considerations. In such cases, it might be more efficient to work with a file or use tools like awk.

  3. Portability: This syntax is suitable for Bash and other modern shells, but if you need to write a script that is portable across a wide variety of POSIX shells, you might need to adapt your approach.

For most practical purposes, though, your method is both correct and efficient for iterating over lines in a shell variable.