UP-TO-DATE Checks (Task Avoidance)

Gradle uses up-to-date checks as a mechanism to avoid re-executing tasks unnecessarily, optimizing the build process and reducing execution time. Before executing a task, Gradle checks whether the task is up-to-date by comparing the task's inputs and outputs. If none of the inputs or outputs have changed, the task is considered up-to-date, and Gradle skips its execution.

graph LR A[Task Execution Requested] --> B{Are Inputs/Outputs Tracked?} B -- No --> C[Task Executed] B -- Yes --> D{Have Inputs Changed?} D -- Yes --> C[Task Executed] D -- No --> E{Have Outputs Changed??} E -- Yes --> F[Task Skipped: Up-to-date] E -- No --> C[Execute Task] C --> G[Outputs Updated] F --> G[Task Completed]

Example output

Example how gradle shows that a task was skipped because it was up-to-date (refer to To Add More Output (Gradle Arguments) to see such output):

Task :lib:processData UP-TO-DATE

How Up-to-date Checks Work:

  • Gradle tracks the inputs (files, Properties (Gradle), etc.) and outputs (generated files, artifacts) of each task.
  • If the inputs haven’t changed and the outputs haven't changed, Gradle considers the task up-to-date and does not execute it. Gradle uses the hashes of the inputs and outputs to determine if they have changed. (Gradle Checks Hashes of Output Files)
  • This feature improves build times by preventing tasks from running unnecessarily.

Example of Up-to-date Checks:

tasks.register("processData") {
    // Declare input and output for the task
    inputs.file("src/data/input.txt")   // Input file
    outputs.file("build/output.txt")    // Output file

    doLast {
        println("doLast Task executing, Processing input...")
        val inputFile = file("src/data/input.txt")
        val outputFile = file("build/output.txt")
        outputFile.writeText("""${Instant.now()} ${inputFile.readText().toUpperCase()}""")
        println("Task executed: Input processed.")
Glass thought Sandbox Snapshot

Command to reproduce:

gt.sandbox.checkout.commit b0d1f9a \
&& cd "${GT_SANDBOX_REPO}" \
&& cmd.run.announce "./gradlew lib:processData --console=plain && echo && echo output.txt: && cat ${GLASSTHOUGHT_SANDBOX:?}/lib/build/output.txt"

Recorded output of command:

> Task :lib:processData UP-TO-DATE

1 actionable task: 1 up-to-date

2024-10-05T22:17:27.708102Z VAL-2
In this example:
  • Input: The file src/data/input.txt is declared as the input.
  • Output: The file build/output.txt is declared as the output.
  • When Gradle runs the task, it checks whether the input or output has changed. If the input file is unchanged and the output file already exists with the correct content, Gradle will skip re-executing the task and consider it up-to-date.

Additional Information:

Force Task Execution

Forcing Task Execution:

You can force Gradle to execute a task even if it is up-to-date by using the --rerun-tasks flag:

./gradlew processData --rerun-tasks
Glass thought Sandbox Snapshot

Command to reproduce:

gt.sandbox.checkout.commit 993df70 \
&& cd "${GT_SANDBOX_REPO}" \
&& cmd.run.announce "./gradlew lib:processData --console=plain --rerun-tasks && echo && echo output.txt: && cat ${GLASSTHOUGHT_SANDBOX:?}/lib/build/output.txt"

Recorded output of command:

> Task :lib:processData
doLast Task executing, Processing input...
Task executed: Input processed.

1 actionable task: 1 executed

2024-10-05T22:19:05.950151Z VAL-2

Key Points:

  • Up-to-date checks are an optimization that skips tasks when their inputs and outputs haven’t changed.
  • Gradle automatically manages these checks based on declared inputs and outputs.
  • Forcing task execution can be done with --rerun-tasks when needed.

By leveraging up-to-date checks, Gradle optimizes the build process and significantly reduces unnecessary task execution, resulting in faster builds.

  1. Force Task Execution
  2. Gradle Checks Hashes of Output Files
