
How To Play Catan Video

Rule Highlights

  • 3-4 players
  • Cards are hidden from other players.

How to win

  • Become 1st players with 10 victory points.
  • Settlement: 1 Victory point.
  • City: 2 Victory points.
Board Setup & Starting

Board Setup

  • Connect blue pieces (ocean) with numbers aligning.
  • Shuffle the inside pieces
  • Tokens
    • have letters on the back
    • Start with upper left corner with A token spiral in placing tokens in counter-clockwise
    • Desert hex does not get token
  • Robber piece
    • Goes on Desert

Game pieces

  • Each play selects a color
    • 5 settlements
    • 4 cities
    • 15 roads


  • Separate resources in 5 piles
  • Shuffle development cards
  • Largest army & Longest road next to the board


  • Each player starts with:
    • 2 settlements
    • 2 roads

When placing 2nd settlement we you resource that are next to 2nd settlement.

Game play


Resource Production Phase

  • Role the dice.
  • Adjacent settlements to number rolled get resources:
    • Settlement gets 1 resource
    • City gets 2 resources
  • 7 rolls: robber activated
    • any player with 7 or more resource cards looses half of them (rounded down)
    • Whoever rolled can move the robber, stopping the resource production of that square.
    • And steals one card from the an adjacent settlement.

Trade phase (after resource production phase)

  • Player whose turn it is has to be a part of the trade with other players
  • 4 cards can be traded for a single resource
  • settlement next to Harbor can trade using that harbor

Build phase.

  • Players builds
Development cards

1 development can be played anytime during the turn (as long as it wasnt bought during this turn)

Knight card

  • Move robber
  • Steal 1 resource card (from adjacent settlement, 1 total)
  • 3 knights card played -> largest army.
    • If more knights are used by another player the card is given to other player.

Longest road

  • 5 adjacent road pieces
  • can be passed to someone other if someone has longest road.
  • Someone can break the road by building a settlement.
Edge cases

Resource pile is low

And multiple players are owed the resource -> Nobody gets the resource