GT-Sandbox-Snapshot: CountDownLatch in Action (Synchronizing from 5 threads)
package com.glassthought.sandbox
import gt.sandbox.util.output.Out
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import kotlinx.atomicfu.updateAndGet
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
class CountdownLatch(initialCount: Int) {
init {
require(initialCount >= 0) {
"Count must be non-negative, but was $initialCount"
private val remaining = atomic(initialCount)
private val latchCompletion = CompletableDeferred<Unit>()
fun countDown() {
val updatedCount = remaining.updateAndGet { current ->
if (current > 0) current - 1 else current
if (updatedCount == 0) {
suspend fun await() {
fun remaining(): Int {
return remaining.value
fun main() = runBlocking {
val out = Out.standard()
val iterations = 10000000
val decrementThreadCount = 5
val countdownLatch = CountdownLatch((iterations * decrementThreadCount) + 1)
val threads = (1..decrementThreadCount).map {
thread(name = "background-thread-$it") {
runBlocking {"Going to count down latch $iterations times")
repeat(iterations) {
val thread3Waiter= thread(name = "background-waiter") {
runBlocking {"Starting to wait on the latch")
countdownLatch.await()"Done waiting: Latch has been counted down to zero")
threads.forEach { it.join() }
if (countdownLatch.remaining() == 1) {
out.infoGreen("CountdownLatch is equal to expected value")
} else {
out.infoRed("CountdownLatch is not equal to expected value")
}"Now going to wait 10ms prior to counting down the latch to zero")
Command to reproduce:
gt.sandbox.checkout.commit d35722e2855292845283 \
&& cd "${GT_SANDBOX_REPO}" \
&& "./gradlew run --quiet"
Recorded output of command:
[elapsed: 25ms][⓸/tname:background-waiter/tid:25][coroutine:unnamed] Starting to wait on the latch
[elapsed: 25ms][⓷/tname:background-thread-5/tid:24][coroutine:unnamed] Going to count down latch 10000000 times
[elapsed: 25ms][⓻/tname:background-thread-2/tid:21][coroutine:unnamed] Going to count down latch 10000000 times
[elapsed: 25ms][⓹/tname:background-thread-3/tid:22][coroutine:unnamed] Going to count down latch 10000000 times
[elapsed: 25ms][⓶/tname:background-thread-4/tid:23][coroutine:unnamed] Going to count down latch 10000000 times
[elapsed: 25ms][⓺/tname:background-thread-1/tid:20][coroutine:unnamed] Going to count down latch 10000000 times
[elapsed: 5284ms][🥇/tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] CountdownLatch is equal to expected value
[elapsed: 5285ms][🥇/tname:main/tid:1][coroutine:unnamed] Now going to wait 10ms prior to counting down the latch to zero
[elapsed: 5298ms][⓸/tname:background-waiter/tid:25][coroutine:unnamed] Done waiting: Latch has been counted down to zero