Visual Submodalities

Visual submodalities are the specific characteristics of our mental imagery. This includes aspects such as brightness, size, distance, and color, as well as the motion (or lack thereof), the image's perspective, and whether it is viewed first-person or third-person.

Here are ways to adjust these visual submodalities to modify the intensity of their impact:

Increase Intensity

To intensify the emotional effect of a mental image, adjust its submodalities as follows:

  • Add motion: Make the image dynamic or moving.
  • Enhance brightness: Make the image brightly lit.
  • Enlarge: Increase the image's size.
  • Saturate: Infuse the image with vibrant colors.
Decrease Intensity

To lessen the emotional effect of a mental image, manipulate its submodalities as follows:

  • Keep it static: Make the image stationary or still.
  • Diminish brightness: Make the image dim or dull.
  • Reduce size: Shrink the image to a smaller size.
  • Desaturate: Transform the image into black and white.
