Segment Merge Merging

Yes, Lucene automatically performs segment merging as part of its normal operation. This process is essential for maintaining the efficiency and performance of the index. Here’s how it works and why it’s important:

What is Segment Merging?

Segment merging is a process where smaller index segments are combined into larger ones. When documents are added to a Lucene index, they are initially written to in-memory buffers, which are periodically flushed to create new segments on disk. Over time, as more documents are added and possibly deleted, this results in the creation of multiple segments.

Having many small segments can be inefficient for search operations because each segment must be searched separately and the results merged. To optimize this, Lucene periodically merges smaller segments into larger ones during both indexing and in idle times.

How Segment Merging Works

  1. Triggering Merges: Merges can be triggered automatically by Lucene’s IndexWriter based on the configured merge policy. Lucene includes several built-in merge policies, such as the TieredMergePolicy, which is the default in recent versions. This policy decides when and which segments to merge based on factors like segment size and the number of segments.

  2. Merge Process:

    • Selection: The merge policy selects which segments to merge.
    • Merging: The selected segments are read, and their contents are merged into a new, larger segment. This involves re-indexing all documents from the source segments.
    • Replacement: Once the merge is complete, the original segments are deleted and replaced by the new, larger segment.
    • Committing: Changes are committed, and the new segment becomes part of the index.
  3. Handling Deletes: Deleted documents are often only marked as deleted and not immediately removed from the segment files. Merging is a convenient time to clean these deletions by simply not including the deleted documents in the new segment.

Benefits of Segment Merging

  • Improved Search Performance: Searching fewer segments can lead to faster query performance because there are fewer index files to open and search.
  • Reduced Disk Space: Merging helps in reclaiming space used by deleted documents and reduces the number of files in the index.
  • Consistency and Durability: Merging helps in maintaining the consistency of the index by ensuring that all updates and deletes are fully integrated into fewer, more manageable segments.

Configuring Merging

You can control the behavior of segment merging through various settings:

  • Merge Policies: Choose or customize a merge policy according to your specific performance and storage requirements.
  • Merge Factors: Set parameters like max merge size, max merge docs, or merge factor, which influence how often and how much to merge.


Automatic segment merging is a crucial aspect of Lucene's design, ensuring that the index remains compact, efficient, and fast over time. By effectively managing the lifecycle and organization of segments, Lucene can provide robust search performance even as the index grows and evolves. This process is largely transparent to the user but can be customized extensively to fit specific use cases.


Merges can be triggered automatically by Lucene’s IndexWriter based on the configured merge policy. Lucene includes several built-in merge policies, such as the TieredMergePolicy

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