Aim for Consistent Progress
From Fortify yourself with moderation
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"Fortify yourself with moderation; for this is an impregnable fortress." - Epictetus
From @work Move Smoothly with Urgency and Focus
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At work Do Not Rush. Move smoothly with urgency and focus.
From Slow-is-smooth-and-smooth-is-Fast
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"Slow is smooth, and Smooth is fast" - originates from SEAL teams
From Stripe Operating Principle: Move with Urgency and Focus
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Move with _.urgency (Private) and focus. A bias for action speeds our learning and delights our users. Focus on what matters most, make fast initial progress, and iterate toward the best outcome. - Stripe Operating Principles
From Amazon Principle: Bias for Action
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Speed matters in business. Many decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive study. We value calculated risk taking.