Quality Questions Create Quality Life

Morning Questions

  • What am I happy about in my life right now?
    • What about that makes me happy?
    • How does that make me feel?
  • What am I excited about in my life now?
    • How does that make me feel?
    • What am I grateful about in my life now?
  • What about that makes me grateful?
    • How does that make me feel?
    • What am I enjoying most in my life right now?
  • What about that do I enjoy?
    • How does that make me feel?
  • What am I committed to in my life right now?
    • What about that makes me committed?
    • How does that make me feel?
  • What am I currently learning?
  • How is it actionable, important, relevant?

Eveninig Questions

  • What have I learned today?
  • What have I given today?
  • How has today added to the quality of my life or how can I use today as an investment in my future?

Quotes to go along

Treat Everything around you as a game; Ask what is the name of the game?

As long as you live. Keep learning how to live. - Seneca

Disempowering Questions

If you have to ask disempowering questions. Ask them in the past tense as in: Why did I used to this? Why I don't anymore?


Pareto's Principle

Pareto's Principle Aka 80/20 Rule

  1. Evening Questions
  2. Morning Questions
  3. Problem Solving Questions
