Keep it super Simple (KISS)

KISS Principle: Keep it Super Simple, OR Keep It Simple, Stupid!

What is KISS? = Do It Simple.

The KISS principle stands for "Keep It Simple, Stupid". It's a reminder to avoid unnecessary complexity. Here's how you can apply it:

  1. Simplicity over complexity: If you're writing code that your future self will need a treasure map and a Rosetta Stone to understand, you're doing it wrong.
  2. Reduce steps: If your code looks like it's trying to win an award for "Most Steps Taken to Accomplish Something Simple," you might want to reconsider your approach.
  3. Clarify: Your code should be as easy to read as a children's book, not like a cryptic crossword puzzle.

Why Embrace KISS?

  • Easier maintenance: Simple code is easier to fix when things go wrong. Think of it like LEGO blocks; if you stick to the basic shapes, it's easier to replace one when it's missing.
  • Enhanced readability: Other developers (or 'future you') will thank you. Simple code is like a well-organized bookshelf, making it easy to find what you need.
  • Efficient problem solving: Often, the simplest solution is also the most effective. Don't build a robotic arm to flip a switch!

Examples of KISS in Action

  • Good: Using a loop to process items in a list.
  • Bad: Writing a separate function for each item in the list because you thought it might be "neat".


When you think you've made things simple enough, take a step back and see if you can make it even simpler. The goal is to make your code so straightforward that even your grandma could follow along. Well, maybe not... but close enough!
