VSCode Snippets for Dendron. (Snapshot Could be behind)

My snippets snapshot (could very well be behind).

  "centerstrong": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
      "<p style=\"text-align: center\"><strong>$1</strong></p>"
  "lch": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "und": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "lchexp": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "metadata": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
      "## Metadata",
  "relationships": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "relationshipsSection": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
      "## Relationships"
  "cc": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "ccshell": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "ccbash": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "cckotlin": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "cckts": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "ccmd": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "gt.sandbox.checkout.cleanly": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
      "gt.sandbox.checkout.commit.cleanly $1 \\",
      "&& cd $2 \\",
      "&& $0",
  "ccjava": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "ccjson": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "ccjs": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "ccts": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "cctxt": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "ref": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
    "description": "ref"
  "exp": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
    "description": "expanded reference"
  "refexp": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
    "description": "expanded reference"
  "ll": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
    "description": "link"
  "llref": {
    "prefix": [
      "llref", "lref"
    "body": [
      "- [ref]($1)$0"
    "description": "link reference"
  "Print to console": {
    "prefix": "video",
    "body": [
      "[![](/assets/images/Screen_Shot_2022-04-22_at_11.50.00_PM.png)](https://youtu.be/EyhOmBPtGNM?t=145 \"Hover over description here\")",
    "description": "Video wrapper"
  "class-bordered": {
    "prefix": "clbordered",
    "body": [
  "class-bordered-when-open": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
  "div-bordered": {
    "prefix": "divbordered",
    "body": [
      "<div class=\"bordered\">",
  "div-centered": {
    "prefix": "divcentered",
    "body": [
      "<div class=\"centered\">",
  "central-thought-p": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
      "<p class=\"central-thought\">$1</p>"
  "central-thought-collapsible": {
    "prefix": [
    "body": [
      "<details class=\"bordered-when-open\">",
      "<summary class=\"central-thought\">$1</summary>",
  "Collapsibe": {
    "prefix": "collapsible",
    "body": [
  "CollapsibeBordered": {
    "prefix": "colbordered",
    "body": [
      "<details class=\"bordered-when-open\">",
  "CollapsibeCodeExample": {
    "prefix": "collapsibleCodeExample",
    "body": [
      "<summary>Code Example</summary>",
  "workingExampleGlassThought": {
    "prefix": "workingExampleGlassThought",
    "body": [
      "<summary>Working Example</summary>",
      "gt.sandbox.checkout.commit.cleanly $1",
  "Markdown table": {
      "prefix": "@table",
      "body": [
          "| $1 | $2 |",
          "| --- | ----------- |",
          "| Header | Title |",
          "| Paragraph | Text |"
      "description": "Inserts a Markdown table"
  "Current Date": {
    "prefix": "date",
    "body": [
    "description": "Add Current date"
  "Current Time": {
    "prefix": "time",
    "body": [
    "description": "Add Current date & time"
  "MarkdownTable-3": {
    "prefix": ["mtable-3", "tableMarkdown-3", "markdownTable-3"],
    "body": [
        "| ${1:Heading 1} | ${2:Heading 2} | ${3:Heading 3} |",
        "| --- | --- | --- |",
        "|  |  |  |",
        "|  |  |  |",
        "|  |  |  |",
        "|  |  |  |",
        "|  |  |  |"
    "description": "Inserts a Markdown table"
  "MarkdownTable-2": {
    "prefix": ["mtable-2", "tableMarkdown-2", "markdownTable-2"],
    "body": [
        "| ${1:Heading 1} | ${2:Heading 2} |",
        "| --- | --- |",
        "|  |  | ",
        "|  |  |",
        "|  |  |",
        "|  |  |",
        "|  |  |"
    "description": "Inserts a Markdown table"
  "sequenceDiagramMermaid": {
    "prefix": "sequenceDiagramMermaid",
    "body": [
      "    participant C",
      "    actor A as Alice",
      "    link B: Dashboard @ https://dashboard.contoso.com/alice",
      "    links C: {\"Dashboard\": \"https://dashboard.contoso.com/alice\", \"Wiki\": \"https://wiki.contoso.com/alice\"}",
      "    A->>B: DoStuff 1",
      "    activate B",
      "    A->>B: DoStuff 2",
      "    deactivate B",
      "    Note right of A: Info right of A",
      "    A-->>B: DoStuff 3",
      "    A-->B: DoStuff 4",
      "    Note over A,B: Here is a loop<br/> example",
      "    loop Every minute",
      "      A-)B: DoStuff 5",
      "      A--)B: DoStuff 6",
      "    end",
      "    Note over C,B: If/Else example",
      "    alt If Things Go One Way",
      "      A->>B:Talks to B",
      "    else They go another way.",
      "      A->>A: Talks to itself",
      "    end",
      "    Note over C,B: Option Example",
      "    opt Extra response",
      "        A->>B: DoStuff",
      "    end",
    "description": "Mermaid Sequence Diagram Template"