Law of Power #6: Court Attention at All Costs

Summary: In the theater of power, visibility must be your aim. Those who command attention wield influence.

Attention is the currency of power; without it, no matter how talented or capable you are, you risk being overlooked. Your ability to garner attention dictates how much influence you can exert.

Strategies to Command Attention

The Spectacle

Create an air of mystery and spectacle around your actions. Use dramatic gestures to punctuate your presence, making your actions memorable and your persona magnetic.

Master the Art of Publicity

Utilize the power of publicity. Understand that good news and bad news can both keep you in the public's mind, as long as it keeps you in the spotlight without undermining your position.

Stand Out from the Crowd

Never fade into the background; avoid the commonplace and embrace that which makes you unique. This is about crafting a distinctive style or image that is unmistakably you.

Create a Trademark

A signature style, a unique way of doing things, or a recognizable mark distinguishes you from the masses and keeps the public eye riveted.

The Controversial Image

Do not shy away from controversy; it can serve as a powerful tool to command attention. Controversy sparks discussion and keeps people engaged with your persona and your ideas.

Remember that the goal is not just to draw any attention, but the right kind of attention from the right people. This can propel you to a position of power from which you can influence and lead.