Why We Cannot Copy Local Repo Contents to Remote Directly

Why You Cannot Just Copy the Contents of local-repo to 'remote' Repo under git-server

When setting up a Git server, simply copying the contents of a working directory (local-repo) to the remote repository directory under git-server is not sufficient. Here's why:

1. Structure of Bare Repositories

A bare repository, which is what you need for a remote Git server, has a different structure compared to a working directory. A bare repository contains only the version control information (the .git directory) without a working directory. It is intended to be a centralized repository for collaboration.

  • Bare Repository:

    • Contains only Git data.
    • No working directory.
    • Typically ends with .git.
  • Working Directory:

    • Contains the actual files and directories being tracked by Git.
    • Includes a .git directory with the repository data.

2. Intended Usage

The intended usage of a bare repository is to serve as a central point for cloning, fetching, and pushing changes. This setup ensures that no working directory conflicts arise when multiple users interact with the repository.

3. Proper Setup

To properly set up a remote repository, you need to create a bare repository from your existing local repository. This can be done using the git clone --bare command. This command ensures that all the necessary Git data is preserved and correctly structured for use as a remote repository.

Example Commands

Creating a Bare Repository from a Local Repository:

# Create a bare repository directly in the remote directory
mkdir -p ~/git-server/repos
cd ~/local-repo
git clone --bare . ~/git-server/repos/test-repo.git

This command ensures that the test-repo.git directory under ~/git-server/repos is a valid bare repository suitable for remote interactions.


Simply copying the contents of a working directory (local-repo) to a remote repository location under git-server does not create a valid remote repository. Instead, you should use the git clone --bare command to create a bare repository, which is correctly structured for remote access and collaboration.
