Redirect Output

To STDOUT (Standard output)

graph LR A[Command Output] -->|stderr| B((stderr)) A -->|stdout| C((stdout)) B -.->|Redirect stderr to stdout| C

Redirecting standard error (stderr) to standard output (stdout) in shell scripting is performed using the 2>&1 syntax. This operation is crucial in scenarios where you want to unify the error output with the standard output, typically for logging or processing both streams through a single pipeline. Here's a breakdown of what 2>&1 signifies:

  • 2> is the redirection operator for stderr. It indicates that the following redirection will apply to the standard error stream.
  • &1 specifies that the target of this redirection is the file descriptor 1, which is stdout.

The combination 2>&1 thus means "redirect the output from stderr to stdout."

Practical Applications

This redirection is particularly useful when you want to capture or inspect all output from a command without distinguishing between standard output and error. For example, in scripts where the output (both standard and error) is piped to another command or logged into a single file, this redirection ensures that none of the output is missed.

Example Usage

Consider a scenario where you're running a command that produces both output and error messages, and you want to pipe all of it to a command like grep to search for a specific pattern:

command 2>&1 | grep "pattern"

In this example, 2>&1 ensures that both the standard output and error from command are sent to grep. Without 2>&1, only the standard output would be piped to grep, and any error messages would not be included in the search.

Additional Insights

  • Order of Redirections: When using both > (or >>) and 2>&1 in a command, the order matters. The redirection of stderr to stdout should come after any redirections of stdout to ensure that both streams are ultimately directed to the same place.
  • Scripting Best Practices: Consistent handling of output streams is essential for script reliability and maintainability. Redirecting stderr to stdout can be part of a strategy to simplify output management, especially in complex pipelines or when capturing the full output for diagnostics.


The 2>&1 redirection is a fundamental technique in shell scripting for managing and manipulating command outputs. It allows script developers to handle both standard output and error in a unified manner, which is invaluable for comprehensive logging, debugging, and output processing. Understanding and applying this redirection effectively can significantly enhance script functionality and reliability.

To STDERR (Standard Error)

graph LR A[Command Output] -->|stdout| B((stdout)) A -->|stderr| C((stderr)) B -.->|Redirect stdout to stderr| C

The >&2 syntax in shell scripting is used to redirect standard output (stdout) to standard error (stderr). In the context of Bash or another shell, file descriptor 1 represents stdout, and file descriptor 2 represents stderr. Redirecting output is a common practice for managing where output from commands is sent, allowing for more precise control over logging and error handling.

Here's a breakdown of >&2:

  • > is the redirection operator, used to direct the output from a command to somewhere other than its default destination (which is usually the terminal screen).
  • & indicates that what follows is a file descriptor, not a filename.
  • 2 is the file descriptor for standard error.

So, when you see >&2, it means "redirect the output (from stdout) to stderr."

This can be useful in several contexts, such as when you want error messages or diagnostics to be sent to stderr instead of mixing them with the regular output of your script or program, which goes to stdout. This separation allows for better handling of errors and output, especially when logging or when you're piping the output of your script to another command.

Here's a simple example:

echo "This is an error message" >&2

This command will send the string "This is an error message" to stderr instead of stdout. If you're running a script from a terminal, you might not notice the difference because both stdout and stderr typically display on your screen. However, if you redirect or capture the outputs separately, the distinction becomes clear and useful for processing output and errors differently.

  1. To Stdout: 2>&1
  2. To stderr: >&2