How to Run

How to Run AppleScript Files

AppleScript is a scripting language created by Apple to control and automate tasks on macOS. There are multiple ways to run an AppleScript file. Here's a detailed guide on how to do it:

1. Using the Command Line (Terminal)

You can also run AppleScript files directly from the terminal using the osascript command.


  1. Open Terminal:

    • Search for "Terminal" in Spotlight or navigate to Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
  2. Run the Script:

    • Use the following command:
    osascript /path/to/your/script.scpt


    osascript ~/Desktop/myscript.scpt
  3. Output:

    • If your script has any output (such as dialog boxes), it will show as part of the script's execution.

2. Using the Script Editor

Script Editor is the default app for running and creating AppleScript files on macOS.


  1. Open Script Editor:

    • You can find it in Applications > Utilities or by searching for "Script Editor" in Spotlight (Cmd + Space).
  2. Open the AppleScript file:

    • In Script Editor, go to File > Open and select your .scpt file or copy-paste the script into the editor.
  3. Run the Script:

    • Press the Run button (or press Cmd + R) to execute the script.
  4. Save or Modify:

    • You can modify the script if needed and save it as .scpt or .applescript.

3. Using Automator

Automator allows you to convert AppleScripts into executable workflows.


  1. Open Automator:

    • Search for "Automator" in Spotlight or find it in Applications.
  2. Create a New Workflow:

    • Select Application or Quick Action depending on how you want to use the script.
  3. Add a Run AppleScript Action:

    • Drag the Run AppleScript action from the library into the workflow.
  4. Paste Your Script:

    • Paste your AppleScript into the action and save the workflow.
  5. Run the Workflow:

    • You can run this workflow like a regular macOS app or trigger it via shortcuts.

4. Double-clicking .scpt or .applescript Files

You can simply double-click a .scpt or .applescript file, and it will open in the Script Editor, where you can run it directly from there.

These methods allow for flexible use of AppleScript across different contexts.