

You are trying to run a BlockingHttpClient operation on a netty event loop thread. This is a common cause for bugs: Event loops should never be blocked. You can either mark your controller as @ExecuteOn(TaskExecutors.BLOCKING), or use the reactive HTTP client to resolve this bug. There is also a configuration option to disable this check if you are certain a blocking operation is fine here. io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientException: You are trying to run a BlockingHttpClient operation on a netty event loop thread. This is a common cause for bugs: Event loops should never be blocked. You can either mark your controller as @ExecuteOn(TaskExecutors.BLOCKING), or use the reactive HTTP client to resolve this bug. There is also a configuration option to disa


The error you're encountering is related to how Micronaut manages thread execution, particularly when dealing with blocking operations in an asynchronous environment like Netty. Let's break down the concepts and the error to understand it better.

Understanding Netty and Event Loops

Netty is an asynchronous event-driven network application framework used for rapid development of maintainable high-performance protocol servers and clients. One of the core concepts in Netty is the Event Loop, which handles events (like data received, data to be sent, connections, etc.) in a non-blocking fashion. This means tasks are executed in a way that does not prevent other tasks from running, maintaining high throughput and scalability.

Why Blocking Operations Are an Issue

In an asynchronous system, blocking operations (like a synchronous HTTP call that waits for a response before continuing) can cause issues because they halt the progress of the Event Loop, preventing it from handling other tasks. This can lead to decreased performance and responsiveness, as other tasks must wait for the blocking operation to complete.

The Error Explained

The error message you received is from Micronaut, indicating you've performed a blocking HTTP client operation directly on a Netty Event Loop thread. Micronaut and Netty prefer non-blocking operations to maintain efficiency and responsiveness. The error suggests two solutions:

  1. Use @ExecuteOn(TaskExecutors.BLOCKING): This Micronaut annotation changes the execution thread of the controller method to one that supports blocking operations, moving it away from the Netty Event Loop thread.

  2. Use the reactive HTTP client: Micronaut supports a non-blocking, reactive HTTP client that conforms to the asynchronous programming model, avoiding blocking the Event Loop.

Diagram: Event Loop Blocking Issue

Let's visualize the blocking operation issue and the recommended solutions with a diagram.

graph TD; EventLoop[Event Loop Thread] -->|Blocking Operation| BlockIssue[Blocked] EventLoop -->|Non-Blocking Operation| Continue[Continues Processing Other Tasks] BlockIssue -.->|Solution 1: ExecuteOn| DedicatedThread[Dedicated Blocking Thread] EventLoop -.->|Solution 2: Reactive Client| NonBlockingOp[Non-Blocking Operation] subgraph Netty EventLoop end subgraph Solutions DedicatedThread NonBlockingOp end

Solutions Overview

  1. @ExecuteOn (Private)(TaskExecutors.BLOCKING): This approach moves the operation to a separate thread pool designed for blocking operations, freeing the Event Loop to handle other tasks without being blocked.

  2. Reactive HTTP Client: Adopting a reactive, non-blocking HTTP client allows you to perform HTTP operations without blocking the Event Loop, aligning with the asynchronous programming model of Netty.


To solve your error, you need to avoid performing blocking operations directly on Netty's Event Loop threads. Depending on your use case, you can either offload these operations to a dedicated blocking thread with @ExecuteOn, or adopt a non-blocking, reactive approach. This adjustment will help maintain the performance and scalability benefits of using an asynchronous framework like Micronaut with Netty.