Clean up your room

Imagine you're dealing with someone who's hoarding. Now, people who are hoarding are often older, or neurologically damaged, or have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Then, you walk into their house and find around 10,000 items. There are maybe a hundred boxes. You open a box, and inside, there's a mix of pens, old passports, checks, a collection of silver dollars, some hypodermic needles, dust, and even a dead mouse. The house is filled with boxes like that—absolute chaos. Not order. Chaos.

You might wonder, is that their house? Or Is that their being? Is that their mind? The answer is: there's no difference. So, if you want to organize your psyche, you could start by organizing your room. This might be easier, especially if you're a more concrete person and need something concrete to begin with.

So you go clean up under your bed and you make your bed and you organize the papers on your desk. And you think well just exactly what are you organizing? Are you organizing the objective world, or are you organizing your field of being—your field of total experience? Jung believed that, and I think there's a Buddhist doctrine nested in there, that at the highest level of psychological integration, there's no difference between you and what you experience.

Now, you might think, "Well, I can't control everything I experience," but that's no objection because you can't control yourself entirely anyway. So, the mere fact that you can't extend control over everything you experience is no argument against the idea that you should still treat that as an extension of yourself.- Jordan-Peterson/video: reference


[people reach out about] How starting to clean up their room changed their life is quite fun because it's something I always tell people to do instead of going out and protesting. If you want to change the world, you start from yourself and work outward because you build your competence that way. It's like, I don't know how you can go out and protest the structure of the entire economic system if you can't keep your room organized.- Jordan-Peterson/video ref
