Task Actions in Gradle


Gradle tasks are composed of actions, which are units of work that are executed in a specific order. Understanding the different types of actions and how to use them effectively is crucial for managing complex builds. This note covers the key methods for defining actions in Gradle tasks, including doLast, doFirst, and doAction.

Key Methods for Defining Task Actions


The doLast method adds an action to the end of a task's execution phase. This action is executed after all other actions defined in the task have completed.

Usage Example:

tasks.register("exampleTask") {
    doLast {
        println("This action runs after the main task actions.")


The doFirst method adds an action to the beginning of a task's execution phase. This action is executed before all other actions defined in the task.

Usage Example:

tasks.register("exampleTask") {
    doFirst {
        println("This action runs before the main task actions.")


The doAction method allows adding an action at a specific position within the task's action list. This method can take either a string (name) or an integer (index) to specify where the action should be added.

Usage Example:

tasks.register("exampleTask") {
    doLast {
        println("This action runs at the end.")
    doFirst {
        println("This action runs at the beginning.")
    doAction("middle") {
        println("This action runs in the middle.")

Key Points

  1. Execution Order:

    • doFirst actions are executed first.
    • doLast actions are executed last.
    • doAction allows precise control over action order.
  2. Multiple Actions:

    • Multiple doFirst and doLast blocks are executed in the order they are defined.
    • doAction can place actions in any order within the task.
  3. Task Customization:

    • These methods provide flexibility to customize tasks dynamically, based on project requirements.

Example in Context

In a task that prepares a file for logging test results, these methods can ensure the file is properly managed before and after the main task actions:

tasks.register("prepareAndLogResults") {
    doFirst {
        val testOutputFile = file("build/test-results/test-results.txt")
        if (testOutputFile.exists()) {
            testOutputFile.writeText("")  // Clear the file contents
        } else {
    doLast {
        println("Results have been logged to the file.")


Understanding and utilizing doFirst, doLast, and doAction enables precise control over the execution order of task actions in Gradle. This flexibility is essential for managing complex build processes effectively.