Dont Envy

While you envy you do not move forward. While you are not moving forward the world still does. So relative to the world if you envy, while you envy you are moving backwards.

“The idea of caring that someone is making money faster than you are is one of the deadly sins. Envy is really a stupid sin because it’s the only one you could never possibly have any fun at. There’s a lot of pain and no fun. Why would you want to get on that trolley?” — Charlie Munger, Poor Charlies Almanack

A greedy man and an envious man met a king. The king said to them, “One of you may ask something of me and I will give it to him, provided I give twice as much to the other.” The envious person did not want to ask first for he was envious of his companion who would receive twice as much, and the greedy man did not want to ask first since he wanted everything that was to be had. Finally the greedy one pressed the envious one to be the first to make the request. So the envious person asked the king to pluck out one of his eyes. - Jewish parable, the seven deadly sins

Wait but why: Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy

Dont Be Jealous:

You do not know what is going on in their inner mind.

“Never be jealous.” — Miyamoto Musashi, Dokkōdō#7

